Why One Should Switch To Organic Farming?

Earlier in 90’s, the soil was initially in good shape. As a result of the technology's global proliferation, it was dubbed the "Agricultural Revolution". Many people became crazy when chemicals were introduced into farms because of what they could do. Chemical fertilizers did not do much damage, if any at all. The pesticides had not developed resistance in the pests. Yields skyrocketed.

Now fast forward to today, and many people are once again enthralled by Organic Farming. Natural Farming is identical to Fertility Farming, Organic Farming, Sustainable Agriculture, Agroecology, Agroforestry, Eco Agriculture, and Permaculture, but it departs from Biodynamic Farming. This is after learning that traditional farming methods are linked to a slew of issues, including cancer, pollution, soil and water degradation, and the impact on domestic animals.
Organic Farming is a process that entails growing plants and raising animals in a natural environment. To preserve soil fertility and ecological balance while reducing pollution and waste, this approach employs organic resources while avoiding synthetic compounds. Permaculture is the process of agriculture and settlement that aims to represent the interrelationships and long-term viability of natural ecosystems.
Rather than using harmful inputs, it depends on biological processes, biodiversity, and cycles that are tailored to local conditions. Organic Agriculture brings together tradition, creativity, and science to enhance the common good, foster fair relationships, and improve people's quality of life. Organic Agriculture as a type of farming that promotes soil, ecological, and human health.


Food for everybody is in desperate need of sustainable cultivation and production as the world's population is rapidly increasing, making it increasingly difficult to feed everyone. We can adopt any technique related to Organic Agriculture weather it is Permaculture to maintain proper ecological balance, it can be No Dig Farming to protect the soil structure or we can also adopt ZBNF (Zero Budget Natural Farming) technique to customize farming budget as it lessens the farmer's investment and safeguards the soil from deterioration as It's a one-of-a-kind chemical-free approach that incorporates Agro-Ecology.
As dividends decline and returns become unsustainable, the Green Revolution and its chemical-based technologies are losing favor. The Green Revolution has unintended consequences.... Many of our agricultural biodiversity has been lost as a result of the green revolution. Many old local types fell extinct when farmers chose to cultivate new better agricultural types and raise new cross breeds of animals. Other negative externalities created by the economy include pollution and climate change.

Here Are Some Of The Reasons Why You Should Switch To Organic Farming

  • Superior Flavour And Natural
  • Accumulates Nutrient Benefits
  • Avoiding GMO’S
  • Agriculture's Diversity Must Be Preserved
  • Support To Farmers 

1. Superior Flavour And Natural

Organic food buyers cite "Superior Flavour" as the primary reason for buying organic fruits and vegetables. Organic FRUITS and VEGETABLES are known to have greater quantities of several phenolic chemicals. Pesticides are less prevalent in organic vegetables and fruits.

2. Accumulates Nutrient Benefits

People with sensitivities to foods, chemicals, or preservatives may discover that their symptoms reduce or disappear when they eat solely organic foods. Pesticides are less prevalent in organic vegetables. Organic Farmers always prioritize Quality over Quantity.

3. Avoiding GMO’S -

According to statistics, genetically modified foods (GMOs) are infecting natural food supplies at an alarming rate, with terrible consequences that are beyond our comprehension. The only option to avoid the harmful consequences of GMOs is to eat organic foods from reputable suppliers. GMOs are a huge hazard because they aren't even labelled.

4. Agriculture's Diversity Must Be Preserved

Agricultural Biodiversity also provides ecological services such as soil and water conservation, soil fertility and bio maintenance, and pollination, which are all critical for human life. Furthermore, agricultural biodiversity's genetic variety allows organisms to adapt to changing environments and evolve by improving their resistance to frost, high temperatures, and drought.

5. Support To Farmers

In India Small farmers' land holdings average roughly three acres (1.21 hectares). The Fertilizers and Pesticides used in conventional farming costs around 40 % of total output. Over the last few years, most governments have provided substantial subsidies and tax breaks to conventional agricultural practices. Instead of buying fertilizers and Pesticides for more production, Natural Farmers are focusing on growing Quality products and sustainability. It is our Duty to support Organic Farmers by buying their ORGANIC PRODUCTS.

Here Are Some Of The Differences Between Organic And Conventional Farming

Focus On Soil & Surrounding EnvironmentFocus On Productivity
Bio Fertilizers - Manure, TrichodermaExtensive Use of Urea DAP
Bio Pesticides - Neem Oil, Wood AskChemical Pesticides
Non GMO SeedsGMO Seeds
Manual WeedingHerbicides
Extensive Labour/Small MachineryHeavily Mechanized
No Use Of ChemicalChemicals Used Like Rat Killers
Can’t Be Stored For So LongChemicals Increase Shelf Life
Naturally RipenedArtificially Ripened
No PreservativesPreservatives
No ChemicalChemicals
No Artificial FlavouringArtificial Flavouring
No Artificial ColouringArtificial Colouring

Benefits And Challenges Of Natural Farming -

Promotes Soil Life While Also Preventing Erosion.Education Is Time-Consuming.
Reduces The Effects Of Climate ChangeVulnerability To Major Losses
Water Contamination Is ReducedReturns That Become Inconsistent
Limits GMO UsageImplementation Expenses Are High.
More Biodiversity Is EncouragedCertification Takes A Long Time To Complete.


Instead of using synthetic farm inputs, organic farming relies on natural ecosystem management. Organic farming has several advantages for humans, animals, and plants, but farmers encounter several obstacles in putting it into reality. Crop rotation, biodiversity, integrated pest control, and other organic farming approaches are actually far older than today's conventional farming practices.
Agriculture and biodiversity are strongly intertwined because, although biodiversity is essential for agriculture, agriculture may also contribute to biodiversity protection and sustainable usage. Indeed, biodiversity both supports and benefits sustainable agriculture. The preservation of biodiversity is critical for the long-term production of food and other agricultural goods, as well as for the environment.