Our Seeds Were Sown Long Back 

Organic Acre, like any other acre of land, didn't become a haven for the ecosystem in a day. In fact, it took us 30 years... 

30 years of the life of a man (my father and my mentor Mr. O.P. Dabas) with immense courage and commitment towards protecting the environment from the perils of urbanization, industrialization, and chemical farming. 30 years ago, he chose not only to fight back but also to lead with example, which is why he opened an NGO named 'All India Society for Environmental Cause (AISEC)', and day-by-day participated in and refined the system to plant more than 300 trees across Delhi.

His unadulterated vision and forever-green spirit led to the germination of 'Organic Acre', an idea that became an organization, and is now on the path of becoming a community of like-minded, ecologically conscious individuals, and farmers. Organic Acre has taught us how to give the world healthy, fresh, and chemical-free food while maintaining balance in the ecosystem, and now we want to share that with you.